Be a Geo Bee : 1,575 Questions for Aspiring Geography Bees by Sumhith Aradhyula


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SKU: 1134901933202090

This is a book of geography questions and answers. There are 31 chapters in the book organized into seven sections (USA, World, Bodies of Water, Cultural Geography, Economic Geography, Arrange and Decipher, and Other Topics). Each chapter focuses on a different topic. Within each chapter, questions get progressively more challenging. While the first few questions in each chapter are comparable to school-level competition questions, the last couple of questions in each chapter could stump even national champion geographers.Unlike other books, this book arranges the questions and answers into two different columns. This way the reader can easily cover the answers with a bookmark or hand while going over questions.The structure and format of questions in this book are modeled upon the questions used by the National Geographic Society for the National Geography Bee. With over 1,500 questions, this book will be helpful for children in grades 3-8 who are participating in geography contests. As a question-answer manual, this book should also be of interest to geography buffs and trivia aficionados.


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