Cinema 4D Apprentice : Real-World Skills for the Aspiring Motion Graphics Artist by Kent McQuilkin


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SKU: 1134901516754829

New to CINEMA 4D and looking for an accessible way to get up to speed quickly? Do you already know the basics of the software but need to know the new features or take your skills and understanding a little deeper? If so, look no further than CINEMA 4D Apprentice , your one-stop shop for learning this powerful application. With guidance that takes you beyond just the button-pushing, author Kent McQuilkin guides you through 10 core lessons, starting with the basics before moving onto more complex techniques and concepts and then tying it all together with a final project. CINEMA 4D Apprentice walks you through the software with a project-based approach, allowing you to put lessons learned into immediate practice. Best practices and workflows for motion graphics artists that can be applied to any software application are included. A companion website ( features project files and videos of the techniques in action. Topics covered include: creating basic scenes, modeling, texture mapping mograph in-depth integration with After Effects via CINEWARE lighting, animation, rendering and more motion tracking with the new tools included in R16


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