Widow’s Weeds and Weeping Veils : Mourning Rituals in 19th Century America by Bernadette Loeffel-Atkins


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SKU: 1134900853542589

In the nineteenth century, death was an ever present companion. High infant mortality and risk in childbirth, disease and warfare were daily reminders of the impermanence of life and the inevitability of death. The Victorian era both in Europe and America saw the rituals of mourning rise above the practical use of providing closure for those left behind. Mourning became an art form through which is not only grief, but also religious feeling, social obligation, and even fashion could be expressed. Widow’s Weeds and Weeping Veils explores how Victorians viewed death and dying, describing the cultural and social changes that occurred as a result of the historical events of their time. This concise, informative work is ideal for students of the nineteenth century, Civil War enthusiasts and anyone interested in Victorian era culture.


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