Here we are going to the award-winning Storz and Bickel product issued in Germany in 2000 which has already become a touchstone for high-quality desktop vaporizers for weed.
The Volcano vaporizer consists of food-safe, heat-resistant materials, provided with a burn-protective mechanism and can produce five-star vapor.
Thanks to its technical qualities, vapor production, and superior build, the product is christened the Bentley of vaporizers. It’s long been the most popular desktop vaporizer and has proven to be the favorite device among the connoisseurs used to challenge the upper limits of quality.
It is very fast to heat and incomparably long-living as it sustains over five years of every-day operations, so it deserves our attention.
There are two most popular variations of valve systems, and here we will cover the differences between both. They are Solid Valve and Easy Valve.
The Solid Valve stands for the device made of durable stainless steels and heat-resistant plastic. The setup offers customizable balloon sizes and features the highest quality of the chamber and the mouthpiece. The valve is entirely thrifty – the spare parts will cost about $5-10 per year, but it requires often cleaning.
The Easy Valve offers a single balloon size. Due to the maintenance-free design, you won’t have to clean it, so it saves some of your time, but not money: it will take you approximately $25-$50 dollars a year to buy new balloons.
You know, each cloud has got its silver lining, so both systems feature their pros and cons, and it’s for you to decide what mode of use you prefer. Either you are likely to clean your device, or you are okay with the standard replaceable set.
Anyway, it’s a win-win situation, because you either get the best quality with hardly any maintenance effort or you obtain the same quality at a lower price when taking just a little bit more care for your device.
All the Volcano vaporizer bags are broadly available in both on- and offline stores and you can always order a spare set at the first purchase for future.
A forced air system is used to fill the balloons. There are two different device versions to choose, the Digit and the Classic, and here we’ll have a closer look at both of them.
– Temperature control. The device offers a digital display to allow you adjusting the temperature with the help of control buttons.
– Shut Off timer. The automatic timer turns the device off if no action taken for the last 30 minutes of use. That is great for energy-saving purposes and protects the heating element, thus, sustaining its life.
Due to the high-tech functionality, the producer boosted the unit price by $120 as compared to the classic version.
Quick Note: both versions of the device are long-living and have proven the faultless operation of more than four years on the condition of every-day use. Though such a wear-and-tear treatment is not recommended for the life of the engine may shorten substantially.
If treated with care the 5-year old Volcano vapes don’t fall behind in quality as compared with brand-new ones, therefore used Volcano vaporizers are in high demand on the market as well. They are especially useful for indecisive customers not willing to pay full price for a packed product, but wishing to test its pros and cons in person.
The Classic version offers the same range of functions the Volcano Digit does, minus the digital display and auto shutoff timer. As a pro, you’ll save the $120 you could have spent on those features. So here is a review of Volcano Vaporizer
– The temperature control system is empowered with the turn dial, offering nine temperature modes, with 1 providing the lowest heat level and nine standing for the highest one. All the process is intuitive and clear-cut and even will make you question the need for the digital display.
– It works best as the temperature set to the 5-7 modes.
Warranty Info
The Storz & Bickel, 3 Year Warranty, covers the three years of maintenance providing fix of defects in materials and production. This warranty covers all the Volcano products, therefore including The Volcano Classic, Volcano Digit (digital), Easy Valve and Solid Valve.
Here what Storz and Bickel tell about their quality themselves: “Company warrants solely to the original purchaser of the Products that for the warranty period” (36 months), “the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use,…”
Once you decide to obtain a desktop herbal vape, there is sense to buy volcano vaporizer first, as it was where everything started and still offers the supreme quality. This device will inevitably create the right impression of desktop vaporizers and most likely will make you stop looking any further.